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2011 American Arts Quarterly, Winter 2011.
The Artist’s Magazine, April 2011, The Art of Looking, Maureen Bloomfield.
A Contemporary Vision of Delicacy and Precision Catalogue of Two-Person Exhibition Kang L. Chung and Ellen Eagle
2010 Pratique des Arts Journal, June 2010.
The Pastel Journal, October 2010, Portraits From the Heart, Anne Hevener.
“Classical Life Drawing Studio”, James L. McElhinney, Sterling Publishing Company.
American Artist Magazine, November 2010, Inside the World of Pastel, Wende Caporale.
2008 American Artist Magazine, October 2008, The Self in Contemporary Self- Portraiture, Ephraim Rubenstein.
2007 American Arts Quarterly, Fall 2007, Volume 24, Number 4.
2006 “Classical Drawing Atelier”, Juliette Aristede, Watson Guptill Publishers.
The Pastel Journal, June 2006, Ellen Eagle: The Figure in its Endless Variety is the Subject of an Artist’s Gaze, Loraine DeBonis (cover article).
2004 American Artist Magazine, December 2004, Ellen Eagle: The Empathetic Portrait, Lynne Moss Perricelli.
New York Times, October 10, 2004, William Zimmer, review of Portraits In Pastel, Concordia Gallery.
2002 The Perception of Appearance: A Decade of Contemporary American
 Figure Drawing, Frye Art Museum exhibition catalogue (cover)
2001 Drawings by 20th Century and Contemporary Masters Catalogue
Ellen Eagle Pastels, Forum Gallery catalogue, forward by Robert Fishko.
1999 The Portrait Signature Magazine, “By Artists for Artists,” Jennifer Hebblethwaite.
Newark Star Ledger, February 12-18, 1999 (review) Bodies of Work, Dan Bischoff, review of Four Painters.
Gallery Guide, October 1999.
New York Times, September 1999.